These awards in the past has served the purpose to brought the situation to attention and will keep on doing the same in the future. When in 1984 the committee decide to award peace prize to Desmond Tutu, South African government resented it in the next 10 years the apartheid ended. The award gave an encouragement to the comrades such as Nelson Mandela that their efforts are not being wasted and world is hearing what they are saying.
I am not sure about the time line but I am sure in the next 10-15 years China will become a democratic country. Its premier Wen Jibao already raise the concern that China needs political reform in order to increase the say of normal citizen in the political decisions. Every action in the name of change is going to lead towards the democratic reform. Jailing the whistle blowers is one of the first step every government takes. Government's action is well understood as they will take the subject directly contradicts with their interests. It is zero sum game.
I think if China changed to the democracy then it will be a great leap for the pro-democratic countries and a blow to the communist countries especially its neighbour North Korea.
Long live Liu Xiaobo!
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