This is Salasar Video- a Local deity famous in Southern Haryana and Nearby Rajasthan provinces of India. It is so soothing. As per hindu mythology dance is considered to be expressing the devotion to the divine.
Welcome to India! It is no more the land of snake charmers but the it has become Incredible India! and rightly so.
"If you want to experience the counry's culuture then take detour from cities to villages directly. The cities everywhere is same... same McDonalds, Starbucks, Metro Train, Skyscrapers, Mercedes... the heart of India lives in its villages... where the illiterate mother of son prays for his child even when she is carrying the cow dung early morning"- Bluemango
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes"- Marcel Proust

Sunday, 12 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Shrien Dewani : Guilty or Not guilty?

I am following the high profile case of Anni Dewani Murder. At the moment it is premature to comment on the involvement of Shrien, however I personally feel he is being implicated.
My reason of contention is that image of South Africa is on stake. It is already tops the charts of crime countries of the world. The statement which are coming from a person who has nothing to loose. Also he has promised that he will be given lesser imprisonment if he co-operates with the Police.
I do not have figures but the case has already damaged the reputation of South Africa and has caused the loss over a $ 250 million in terms of Holiday cancellation from all across the world. This figure will further escalate if the involvement of the local gangs only and not of the Shrien will get proven. There is every reason of foul play South African government as its tourism industry is on the way to get a major blow.
My sympathies are with the Annie's family but should not forget that during one's low time man makes wrong decision. I read her uncle Ashok Hindocha is asking Shrien to appear in Capetown court, but he should not forget that once he will be there it will be very difficult to come out.
However sadly he is already being house arrested and being given a elctronic tag to track his whereabouts all the time.
I am just wondering what he will be his mental condition if he is truly innocent and being fabricated in his beloved's murder.
Also I read somewhere that she was seeing sitted separately and was weeping in the airplane without a concrete evidence.
I wish the justice for the departed soul.
Blue Mango
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Indian Media: Most corrupt sector
Written on Nov. 26,2010| 9:44 PM | On the train from Birmingham to London

Let us talk about corruption. Whenever there is concentration of power in one hand there will corruption. Now media was created to curb the corruption as it publishes the news without any biases. However unknowingly this watchdog of democracy has become so powerful that even the PM makes cordial relation with them.
When we talk about corruption we often thought media as safeguard of corruption by making the authorities accountable of their action. But what if the supposedly watchdogs also hand in gloves with the authorities.
While writing this column I am not denying the positive contribution of media. They have contributed to make authorities more accountable. I guess now in the 21st century it is time to make media accountable of their action. This responsibility lies with the readers.
I remember in one interview KPS Gill said that media is the most corrupt. And rightly so. If we observe the shift in power then I guess at the moment the media is the most powerful . With their one article they can topple any government. They can tarnish the image of politician. With few facts and rest of the story is cooked up.
And the recent case of Barkha Dutt proves this point as well. I come across very good article from a blogger. Defintiely Barkha Dutt has its own political ambition and puppet of congress. She was very aggressive and honest in beginning of her carrier but along the way she lost that lustre.
But good news is that now the increasingly power balance is shifting towards the public. As the 21st century progresses we will see the increase uses of blog service on line information. This will make them more accountable. If they are wrong, then they credibility is bound to suffer. There are so many passionate bloggers out there. They are not writing to make money. It is their hobby. Definitely these bloggers will create a perception. If I take my case, now I started doubting Barkha.
I guess now I will go by the Russian proverb, “trust but verify”. The best remedy of any corruption is decentralisation of power. This way everybody will keep in check the other. This is what happening in the west and same is bound to happen in the east as well.
Blue Mango

Let us talk about corruption. Whenever there is concentration of power in one hand there will corruption. Now media was created to curb the corruption as it publishes the news without any biases. However unknowingly this watchdog of democracy has become so powerful that even the PM makes cordial relation with them.
When we talk about corruption we often thought media as safeguard of corruption by making the authorities accountable of their action. But what if the supposedly watchdogs also hand in gloves with the authorities.
While writing this column I am not denying the positive contribution of media. They have contributed to make authorities more accountable. I guess now in the 21st century it is time to make media accountable of their action. This responsibility lies with the readers.
I remember in one interview KPS Gill said that media is the most corrupt. And rightly so. If we observe the shift in power then I guess at the moment the media is the most powerful . With their one article they can topple any government. They can tarnish the image of politician. With few facts and rest of the story is cooked up.
And the recent case of Barkha Dutt proves this point as well. I come across very good article from a blogger. Defintiely Barkha Dutt has its own political ambition and puppet of congress. She was very aggressive and honest in beginning of her carrier but along the way she lost that lustre.
But good news is that now the increasingly power balance is shifting towards the public. As the 21st century progresses we will see the increase uses of blog service on line information. This will make them more accountable. If they are wrong, then they credibility is bound to suffer. There are so many passionate bloggers out there. They are not writing to make money. It is their hobby. Definitely these bloggers will create a perception. If I take my case, now I started doubting Barkha.
I guess now I will go by the Russian proverb, “trust but verify”. The best remedy of any corruption is decentralisation of power. This way everybody will keep in check the other. This is what happening in the west and same is bound to happen in the east as well.
Blue Mango
Letter to Times of India

Dear Editor,
I am a religious follower and well wisher of TOI. I started reading it back in 1997 and still reading TOI. As I went to other countries, I switched to the online version. I have closely observed evolution of your online version and continuing addition of new cities in coverage, the most recently Gurgaon.
Today I am writing to draw your attention towards one of the most neglected and least integrated part of India- North East. In your city coverage there is not even a single city from the Seven Sister states which constitute together as North-East India. However I want to make clear that I am not from North East but from a Northern State. I am moved by one of the recent article in NBT and have many from friends from the same region.
It will be foolish to hope from political parties as these not wield much power. Government say North East is part of the country but I guess that is only on the paper. There is no any apparent effort to include with rest of the country. No wonder there is increasing militancy. I came to know recently about the situation but one article in your sister newspaper
Now my suggestion is to start section on North East if not in print, at least for online version. Not only from patriotism but from business point this present an untapped market. If you start as a nation’s leading paper, I guess you can tap on the most neglected part. The good thing is this English proficiency of North-eastern are much better than average Indian. By doing so you will be having first mover advantage.
Not only in terms of capital gain but also it will be a sign of patriotism and an effort towards a more inclusive India. The other thing actually by having their section it will give us more knowledge about them.
I believe you have all the resources and to take this action. With TOIs brand equity, companies will follow suit in advertising with TOI. Believe me it will be boost your revenue subscription by a great extent. In 21st century in the coming time the business, news is going to become more online. It will be in your best interest to do so. Take action otherwise it will be too late. I believe in power of media. People say “ pen is greater than many swords”.
It might be bit slow start but if you see long term then the gain will outweigh the current losses.
Apart from this I am having one more suggestion for you. In your Navbharat Times I like reader’s opinion very much. I am not sure it might be having some logistic problems as the user base is much bigger than Navbharat Times. I suggest you have same for TOI. Like reader's opinion not for commenting the already written articles but for writing new article.
Even if you are not going to implement these suggestions, I am expecting a honest reply being a well wisher of Times of India.
I am not a North-eastern but a true Indian wishing to see a more integrated India. There are only a few attempts towards the sorry state of affair. The only attempt I saw is by the Sharukh starred movie “Chak de” where the girl from North East says that they are treated like by calling names lie chinky, thupka or momos.
I am at the moment based in London but let me know if I can of any help.
Blue Mango
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