Sunday, 12 December 2010

Salasar Video- Jhoomkar Naach Le Ba De

This is Salasar Video- a Local deity famous in Southern Haryana and Nearby Rajasthan provinces of India. It is so soothing. As per hindu mythology dance is considered to be expressing the devotion to the divine.

Welcome to India! It is no more the land of snake charmers but the it has become Incredible India! and rightly so.

"If you want to experience the counry's culuture then take detour from cities to villages directly. The cities everywhere is same... same McDonalds, Starbucks, Metro Train, Skyscrapers, Mercedes... the heart of India lives in its villages... where the illiterate mother of son prays for his child even when she is carrying the cow dung early morning"- Bluemango

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes"- Marcel Proust

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