Sunday, 7 November 2010

Homelessness in US

Last thursday (Nov 4) I participated in Press TV program on "Homelessness in USA". It was my first time to a studio. It was quite amazing experience. From a distance things seem like our of the world creation but when you see it from a close anle you realise it that it is not that great.

Anyway let us talk about the main topic. There were many points discussed which were quite relevant and valid. However I still wonder US is one of the country which donates a huge amount of money in charity and causes abroad. As we all agree that US is having all the resources from conception to design to tackle homlessness. Inspite of that there are over 1.5 million homeless people in US.

How can we justify millions of dollar in charity abroad and still turning a blind eye to its own people. It clearly shows a lack of will on the part of Washington. One of the primary most reason cited was lack of affordable housing. In Newyork city there were about 51,000 people homeless.

Intrestingly these numbers are growing and most of the growth is coming from the females. Also there is increasing number of  homeless couple as well. On the otherhand there is not many homeless in UK. The primary reason is differences in their economic structure.

However if we these numbers are nothing as compared to countries like india. One of the obvious reason is the huge population but other is simply the more tolerant tropical climate. I mean the climate is in between neither too hot like Arab countries nor too cold like US or Scandivian countries. At least one can survive with minimum clothing.

One of the most disheartening to me is the a dog gets a better treatment in first world country than a man. There are activist working for animal right. Is it humane to leave your fellow brother getting rotten in the street in much bad condition than a dog. I guess it is a big blot on the image of America. I agree there might be few people who has not any genuine desire to repossess a home but I am sure majority of them are victim because of the capitalistic nature of the society.

I think America is in a position to amend its constitution and include home as basic right, just like right of freedom of speech.

America you can do it! Wake up and be a role model for the world as you have been so far. World will respect you more if you take care of your own people before you step out of the American boundaries. Majority of homeless have genuine victim of the financial debacle.

I lived in America for about a year but I guess it is not enough to know about the real situation. Leave your comments in the bottom.


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